MMPC Learniverse – Decoding Compliance: What You Need to Know about the DEA, Controlled Drugs, and Premises Permits in Your Shelter - Legal Considerations with Shelter PALS
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Course Overview
The goal of this course is to simplify, distill, and deliver the essential knowledge you need to address challenges and navigate the intricate landscape of drug and premises permit regulations.
We'll cover:
•Understanding Legal Dynamics: Gain valuable access to the inner workings of the legal landscape governing medical and euthanasia services in shelters. Discover the transformative impact of understanding the agencies that impact the type and quality of care you provide.
•Decoding Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) & Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) Roles: Untangle regulations around controlled substances, enhance your understanding of premises permits, and gain insight into the role of premises permit holders, with a focus on compliance.
•Strengthen Your Team: Gain insights into the diverse roles of licensed and unlicensed staff in delivering top-tier medical care within shelters. Equip your team with knowledge that will directly amplify care quality.
•Facilitate Access to Medical Care in Shelters: Explore actionable solutions! Master the art of collaboration with regulatory agencies, opening pathways for advanced medical care for animals in your shelter and in your community.
This course was adapted from a webinar by Bruce Wagman, Lead Counsel for the San Francisco SPCA's Shelter Policy and Legal Services (Shelter PALS) program and Cindi Delany, DVM, Director of Online Learning for Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program hosted by the California Animal Welfare Association (CalAnimals).
California law is discussed in this course. However, most of the basic concepts and discussion points will apply to all states. If you're not in California, let this information guide you in what laws to research in your own state, and be sure to consult with an attorney in your state.
Continuing Education Credits
This short course has been approved for 1.5 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA) continuing education credit by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement (AAWA) and by National Animal Care and Control Association (NACA).
This course has been approved for 1.5 hours of RACE continuing education credit until 9/25/2025 in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. Upon completing the course and passing the quiz, upload your certificate to https://CEBroker.com. This is the broker used by the AAVSB to track your continuing education credits.
Email us at learniverse@sheltermedportal.com if you have any questions or concerns about this course.
Animal care laws, legal, laws, ordinances, medical, drug, premises permit, controlled substances, euthanasia, compliance, DEA, regulations
Maddie’s®️ Million Pet Challenge
With the Maddie’s®️ Million Pet Challenge, the Five Key Initiatives of the Million Cat Challenge have expanded to include other species at risk in shelters and evolved into the Four Rights.
Within the Four Rights, every element works in concert to support one another: animals and people are treated as individuals, empowering shelter staff to make the best decisions for everyone; community safety net services are in place and flourishing; and humane care within the shelter is provided, with appropriate outcomes for the animals that do come in, allowing shelters to deliver the Right Care, in the Right Place, at the Right Time, and to the Right Outcome
This course focuses on understanding intake requirements and holding periods that can help your shelter make sure animals are in the Right Place for the Right Time.
Learn more about Maddie's®️ Million Pet Challenge Learniverse. #ThankstoMaddie
Maddie’s®️ Pet Forum Discussion Group
You can also join the discussion about these concepts over on Maddie's Pet Forum in the Shelter PALS Legal Series Discussion Group.

Click to visit the Discussion Group (will open in a new window/tab).

We have a dedicated discussion group on Maddie's Pet Forum to discuss the Shelter PALS Legal Series. Bring your questions, comments, thoughts, and suggestions, or just see what others are thinking about these ideas.

Bruce Wagman
Lead Counsel
San Francisco SPCA - Shelter Policy and Legal Services (Shelter PALS)
For almost three decades, Bruce Wagman has been using his legal education and well-honed skills to help animals in all sectors of society, and benefit both society and the animals themselves. He is the only lawyer running an exclusive animal law practice in a major United States firm. He litigates, drafts animal-friendly legislation, oversees rescue operations, and consults clients who care for and protect animals. He has published two major works, the leading casebook for law schools nationwide—Animal Law: Cases and Materials—and a global survey of animal laws, A Worldview of Animal Law, the only global survey of animal law. Bruce also founded Project Chimps, a chimpanzee sanctuary that is home to chimpanzees retired from a research laboratory. Bruce’s clients include numerous animal protection organizations as well as private individuals. He has worked on behalf of many species, including alpacas, bears, birds, cats, chickens, chinchillas, chimpanzees, cows, deer, dogs, dolphins, ducks, elephants, elk, ferrets, geese, goats, gorillas, horses (domestic and wild), lions, mice, monkeys, pigs, rabbits, sharks, turkeys, whales, and wolves. In addition to his role as Lead Counsel of Shelter PALS, Bruce currently serves as Of Counsel at Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP.
Learn more about the San Francisco SPCA - Shelter Policy and Legal Services (Shelter PALS)

Cindi Delany
Director of Online Learning
Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge , UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
With an undergraduate degree in Business/Economics from UCLA and a DVM from UC Davis, Dr. Cindi Delany has practiced emergency medicine, animal shelter medicine and shelter outreach for more than 20 years. Her focus with the Koret Shelter Medicine Program’s animal shelter outreach and industry speaking activities is on programs targeted to improve animal outcomes, provide environmental enrichment for shelter animals, explore shelter animal behavior and training, improve shelter data collection and analysis, and maximize operational efficiencies in a limited resource environment. Dr. Delany is now taking her passion and expertise for sharing information and learnings about maximizing animal shelter success to the next level as the Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program.