Access to Veterinary Care: A National Family Crisis

Did you know that millions of pets do not receive adequate veterinary care because the costs are simply beyond a family's ability to pay for it? The lack of access to care is the most significant animal welfare crisis affecting owned pets in the United States. Learn about the scope of barriers to veterinary care faced by pet owners; recommendations to address barriers as presented in the Access to Veterinary Care Coalition's seminal report; AlignCare, a research and development project of One Health veterinary care and funded by Maddie's Fund®, as a viable way to improve access to veterinary care.

Dr. Michael J. Blackwell, Director, Program for Pet Health Equity, University of Tennessee
Dr. Susan Krebsbach, Assistant Director, Program for Pet Health Equity, University of Tennessee

This webinar has been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association. It has also been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval until 1/3/2025. Complete the quiz to earn continuing education credit.

veterinary care, access to affordable care, live outcomes, increase live outcomes, access to care, access to veterinary care, shelter medicine, community outreach, medicine, RACE CE, webcast

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