Bark to Basics: Avoiding and Addressing Problem Behaviors through Meeting Their Fundamental Needs (OnDemand)

Bark to Basics: Avoiding and Addressing Problem Behaviors through Meeting Their Fundamental Needs (OnDemand)

Recorded On: 04/03/2024

Camp Maddie: Behavior Edition

Day 1, Presentation 1

Bark to Basics: Avoiding and Addressing Problem Behaviors through Meeting Their Fundamental Needs

Michael Shikashio, CDBC, highlights key factors to ensure the behavioral well-being of dogs and explores considerations such as breed, enrichment, social interactions, medical care, and the overall environment. The focus will be on preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of behavioral concerns and effective strategies for addressing existing issues. This presentation aims to guide caretakers in providing comprehensive care for difficult-to-place dogs, ensuring their welfare while searching for a suitable home.

Presenters: Michael Shikashio, CDBC

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keywords: Camp Maddie, behavior, Camp Maddie Behavior, Camp Maddie Behavior Edition, dog behavior

Michael Shikashio


Michael Shikashio, CDBC, is the founder of and focuses on teaching other professionals from around the world on how to successfully work aggression cases. He is a five-term president of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and was the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) Member of the Year in 2020.

 Michael is sought after for his expert opinion by numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, New York Post, Fox News, The List TV, Baltimore Sun, WebMD, Women’s Health Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, SiriusXM Radio, The Chronicle of the Dog, and Steve Dale’s Pet World. He also hosts the popular podcast show “The Bitey End of the Dog” where he chats with the foremost experts on dog aggression.

 He has been a featured keynote speaker at conferences, universities, and seminars in more than 200 cities and 14 different countries around the world, and offers a variety of educational opportunities on the topic of canine aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course and the annual Aggression in Dogs Conference.


Bark to Basics: Avoiding and Addressing Problem Behaviors through Meeting Their Fundamental Needs (OnDemand)
Recorded 04/03/2024  |  50 minutes
Recorded 04/03/2024  |  50 minutes
Join the Conversation with Speakers on Maddie’s Pet Forum
Recorded 04/02/2024  |  50 minutes
Recorded 04/02/2024  |  50 minutes Continue the discussion with the guest speaker on this thread in Maddie’s Pet Forum
CAWA and NACA Certificate
CAWA and NACA Certificate
1.00 CAWA CE, NACA CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CAWA CE, NACA CE credit  |  Certificate available This recording has been pre-approved for 1.00 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association.
CCPDT Certificate
CCPDT Certificant# submission - Bark to Basics
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1.00 CCPDT CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CCPDT CE credit  |  Certificate available This program is approved for continuing education credits toward CPDT-KA or CBCC-KA.
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5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass Pass this quiz with a score of 70% or better to unlock your RACE and IAABC certificates for this presentation. Three attempts are allowed.
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1.00 RACE CE credit  |  Certificate available
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