Behavior 101 Collection

Behavior 101 Collection

Behavior 101 is a great place to get started if you’re new to animal behavior. This collection contains content regarding the basics of animal behavior, including: 

  • Recognizing and reducing stress 
  • Basic learning principles 
  • Dog handling 
  • Meeting dog’s fundamental needs 

Additional content that fits within this topic includes: 

  • Contains 8 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Key factors about the well-being of dogs and how to prevent the behavior problems at home

    Camp Maddie: Behavior Edition

    Day 1, Presentation 1

    Bark to Basics: Avoiding and Addressing Problem Behaviors through Meeting Their Fundamental Needs

    Michael Shikashio, CDBC, highlights key factors to ensure the behavioral well-being of dogs and explores considerations such as breed, enrichment, social interactions, medical care, and the overall environment. The focus will be on preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of behavioral concerns and effective strategies for addressing existing issues. This presentation aims to guide caretakers in providing comprehensive care for difficult-to-place dogs, ensuring their welfare while searching for a suitable home.

    Presenters: Michael Shikashio, CDBC

    Visit Maddie's Pet Forum to continue the conversation or ask questions about Camp Maddie: Behavior Edition: 

    Please email if you have any technical questions.

    keywords: Camp Maddie, behavior, Camp Maddie Behavior, Camp Maddie Behavior Edition, dog behavior

    Michael Shikashio


    Michael Shikashio, CDBC, is the founder of and focuses on teaching other professionals from around the world on how to successfully work aggression cases. He is a five-term president of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and was the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) Member of the Year in 2020.

     Michael is sought after for his expert opinion by numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, New York Post, Fox News, The List TV, Baltimore Sun, WebMD, Women’s Health Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, SiriusXM Radio, The Chronicle of the Dog, and Steve Dale’s Pet World. He also hosts the popular podcast show “The Bitey End of the Dog” where he chats with the foremost experts on dog aggression.

     He has been a featured keynote speaker at conferences, universities, and seminars in more than 200 cities and 14 different countries around the world, and offers a variety of educational opportunities on the topic of canine aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course and the annual Aggression in Dogs Conference.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This session is especially designed for the non-behavior professional to learn how small changes in our behavior can have big impact for the animals in our care. The title of this presentation is also known as The Daily Grind: Using Everyday Consequences to Improve Animal Sheltering

    Teaching animals in our shelter useful skills helps them and our staff. New skills can make that animal's life better as it accesses more rewards and is hopefully developing desirable behaviors for post-adoption; a dog or cat with more desirable behavior can make our staff's lives better by the animal being easier to handle each time they need to interact. In every interaction we have with an animal, they are learning something. This means that anyone that interacts with a dog or cat, whether kennel staff, the adoption team, the marketing team or more can have a positive impact on its behavior, with a little understanding of basic principles and consideration for what the animal is learning from us. In this session, Dr. Feuerbacher reviews the basics of animal learning and focuses on routine examples of how we can easily apply these principles in our daily interactions with shelter animals. This session is especially designed for the non-behavior professional to learn how small changes in our behavior can have big impact for the animals in our care. 

    Note: The title of this presentation is also known as The Daily Grind: Using Everyday Consequences to Improve Animal Sheltering

    This presentation was recorded at the 2022 ASPCA Maddie's Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference.

    Presenter: Erica Feuerbacher, PhD, CAAB, BCBA-D 

    This lecture has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval.

    This program has been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association.  

    keywords  2022 ASPCA Maddie's Cornell Shelter Medicine Conference, animal behavior, animal sheltering, animal interaction, basics of animal learning, non-behavior professional shelter staff

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Learn strategies to reduce stress in cats in shelters.

    Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC and Behavioral Consultant for the Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, gives a fantastic presentation at the 2012 ASPCA/Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Conference on Stress Reduction for Shelter Cats. She shares various strategies for reducing the stress experienced by cats in a shelter environment.

    Maximize In-Shelter Welfare, Increase Live Outcomes, Animal Behavior, Training & Enrichment, cat behavior, behavior problems, stress reduction

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Learn about the stress response as well as various strategies for reducing the stress experienced by dogs in a shelter environment.

    Kelley Bollen, MS, CABC and Behavioral Consultant for the Maddie's® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, gives a wonderful presentation  on Stress Reduction for Shelter Dogs. You'll learn about the stress response as well as various strategies for reducing the stress experienced by dogs in a shelter environment.

    Presenter: Kelley Bollen, MS 

    Maximize In-Shelter Welfare, Increase Live Outcomes, Animal Behavior, Training & Enrichment, dog behavior, behavior problems

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Learn techniques for handling the animals in our care in a low-stress, gentle manner.

    Learn techniques for handling the animals in our care in a low-stress, gentle manner. Implementing low-stress handling techniques can make a profound difference on the welfare of shelter animals and on our own stress level. Hear about real-life strategies to use safe low-stress handling in a busy shelter.

    Presenter: Erin Doyle, DVM

    Maximize In-Shelter Welfare, Increase Live Outcomes, Animal Behavior, Training & Enrichment, dog behavior, behavior problems, cat behavior, stress management for dogs and cats,handling dogs and cats,gentle handling,low-stress handling techniques

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Learn techniques for handling dogs in a shelter setting

    Through a series of short videos, this course explains concepts underlying dog handling in a shelter setting and demonstrates dog handling techniques. The course begins with fundamentals of dog handling in a shelter setting and then covers techniques for handling dogs who exhibit behaviors commonly seen in the stressful shelter environment. 

    Keywords: Training, behavior 

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Learn to safely handle and treat feral and fractious cats

    This is a practical course covering treatment and handling of feral and fractious cats. Videos demonstrate handling techniques. This course is authored by Monica Tarant, Chief Innovation Officer: Feline Lifesaving at Cincinnati Animal CARE with The Joanie Bernard Foundation.

    keywords: community, cats, medical, treatment, panleuk, URI

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Find out what all those initials after a dog trainer's or behaviorist's name mean and learn about IAABC's certifications.

    This course is part of Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection, monthly webcasts about pet behavior - supporting pets in our community and animal shelters.

    Alphabet soup! The behavior and training world is full of letters and it can be very confusing to navigate. Which letters mean what and how do you know as a behavior professional which certifications you should pursue. Even harder for shelter leadership is knowing who to hire to best serve the animals in your care. Meet with Dot Baisly the Executive Director of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) for a discussion on deciphering all those letters and learn about the IAABC's certifications, particularly the shelter behavior certifications. These certs are the only ones in the animal behavior industry that are specific to the needs of shelters and their animals. Dot will also review the steps to becoming certified. 

    Presenter: Dorothy (Dot) Baisly, MS, CDBC, CCBC, CSBS; Executive Director for the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC)

    This webinar has been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association.

    Visit Maddie's Pet Forum to comment, access the resources, follow a discussion or ask questions:

    kewords Maddie's Monthly Behavior Connection, Baisly, behavior certification programs

    Dorothy (Dot) Baisly, MS, CDBC, CCBC, CSBS

    Executive Director


    Dot Baisly is the Executive Director for the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). Dot also holds a master’s degree in Animal Behavior from Tufts University and is a certified dog behavior consultant (CDBC), certified cat behavior consultant (CCBC), and certified shelter behavior specialist (CSBS). Most recently she was the director of behavior for Northeast Animal Shelter where she built a behavior program and transformed the organization’s approach to behavior as a result of her leadership. Prior to this she was also the lead behavior staff at the SPCA of Westchester and then the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

    Dot also worked as a consultant for Paws With A Cause, working with service dogs and the clients they serve for over 10 years. She has been working in animal welfare, veterinary care and behavior for over 20 years, both in animal welfare and rescue organizations and as a private consultant. Dot has consulted with private clients since her initial certifications, working with owned cats and dogs on a regular basis.

    In her private practice, Dot specializes in working with dogs and cats exhibiting significant behavioral concerns, including human-directed aggression. She also provides consultations to shelters across the country where she has evaluated dogs, educated staff and volunteers and continues to be recognized as a key leader in the animal welfare and shelter behavior community where she is sought out for her expertise, compassion, and skill in leading change efforts.

    Prior to working in sheltering, Dot managed a veterinary clinic and worked as a technician where she developed her knowledge and skills in low-stress veterinary handling. Since that time, Dot has taught those techniques in shelters and at veterinary practices across the country.