How Much Do You Know About Bird Flu? - On Demand

Recorded On: 02/11/2025

No doubt you have seen recent news about cats infected by H5N1 avian influenza virus. Barn cats in dairies have died from drinking virus-containing raw milk from infected cows. Indoor household cats have acquired infection from eating commercial raw poultry diets laced with the avian virus. In December 2024, 20 big cats died of H5N1 infection at a sanctuary.

How much do you know about bird flu? Can this virus spread from cat-to-cat? Can cats spread infection to people? Find out the risk for infected cats entering shelters, TNR clinics, and community clinics with two of the country's pre-eminent feline experts. 

During this one-hour webcast, Drs. Crawford and Levy will talk about risk factors for H5N1 avian influenza infection of cats in outdoor and indoor settings; risk mitigation measures for shelters, TNR clinics, and community clinics; and what to do if you suspect a cat might be infected


Dr. Cynda Crawford, Frederika Salzman Endowed Professorship Chair in Shelter Medicine, University of Florida
Dr. Julie Levy is the Fran Marino Endowed Distinguished Professor of Shelter Medicine Education, University of Florida 

Earn continuing education credit from The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement towards 1.0 CAWA CEs. This webinar has also been pre-approved for 1.0 continuing education credits by the National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA).

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keywords  H5N1 virus in cats, bird flu in cats

Dr. Cynda Crawford, DVM, PhD

Frederika Salzman Endowed Professorship Chair in Shelter Medicine

University of Florida

Dr. Crawford is a Clinical Associate Professor in Shelter Medicine. Her areas of expertise include diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention of infectious diseases in dogs and cats in sheltering facilities. She focuses on diagnosis and management of viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory infections in shelter dogs. Dr. Crawford’s accomplishments include discovery of canine influenza virus and development of the canine influenza vaccine. Educational achievements include partnering with Dr Julie Levy to develop the Professional Certificate in Shelter Medicine for advanced training of veterinary students in the knowledge and skills to serve as veterinarians in shelters.

Dr. Julie Levy

VM, PhD, DACVIM, DABVP, Fran Marino Endowed Distinguished Professor of Shelter Medicine, University of Florida

Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program at UF

Dr. Julie Levy is the Fran Marino Endowed Distinguished Professor of Shelter Medicine Education at the University of Florida, where she focuses on the health and welfare of animals in shelters, feline infectious diseases, and humane alternatives for cat population control. She founded Operation Catnip, a community cat trap-neuter-return program that has spayed, neutered, and vaccinated more than 80,000 cats in Gainesville since 1998. A decade later, she joined Dr. Cynda Crawford to launch Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the College of Veterinary Medicine. This educational and discovery initiative has a global impact on the care of homeless animals and served as the academic home for development of the Fear Free Shelters program. She later teamed up with Dr. Kate Hurley to start the Million Cat Challenge, a shelter-based campaign that saved more than 5 million cats in shelters across North America and then Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge to create transformative “communities of practice” that deliver access to care through humane community-centric programming—inside and outside of the shelter—to achieve the right outcome for every pet.


How Much Do You Know About Bird Flu? - On Demand
Recorded 02/11/2025  |  61 minutes
Recorded 02/11/2025  |  61 minutes
Certificate - CAWA and NACA CE
1.00 CAWA CE, NACA CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CAWA CE, NACA CE credit  |  Certificate available
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Recorded 02/11/2025  |  60 minutes
Recorded 02/11/2025  |  60 minutes View resources and continue the discussion on this thread in Maddie’s Pet Forum