Judgment-Free Zones - Building Relationships to Keep Dogs in Homes
Recorded On: 06/23/2017
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Saving Sunny, Inc. in Louisville, Kentucky is a unique agency that provides support to under-served communities in the form of resources needed for families to keep their pets in their homes and avoid surrender to local shelters. Its origins stem from a remarkable story of its co-founders who teamed up to create a more compassionate community for all dogs and their owners - and boost lifesaving numbers. See how they did it, and how their model can be duplicated anywhere. This presentation by Maureen Keenan and Kelsey Westbrook, co-founders of Saving Sunny, Inc., was recorded at the 2016 Best Friends National Conference.
Presenters: Maureen Keenan and Kelsey Westbrook
Increase Live Outcomes, Animal & Population Management, Community Outreach, Live Outcomes, open adoptions, remove barriers to adoption, live outcomes, adoption, adoption counseling