Lifesaving Protocol for At Risk Dogs: Part 2
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Healthy, medium and large dogs remain one of the most vulnerable populations in shelters. Whether they have known behavioral challenges or face decline due to the stress of near-constant confinement, savable dogs can face euthanasia if shelters are unable to find a safe, viable outcome option for them. In this two-part series, we'll talk about how to give most dogs a fair chance at a live outcome through following a simple, easy-to-implement protocol that can be practiced in any shelter or rescue. Using real-life examples, we'll show you how a case management approach to at-risk dogs can save lives, decrease length of stay, build trust and engagement with your community, and improve morale among staff and volunteers.
Housing young, energetic, intelligent dogs in kennels for 23 hours or more per day indefinitely leads to shelter stress and undesirable behaviors, which can put dogs' lives on the line. This talk gets into the details of how to make changes to better serve this at-risk population of shelter pets.
This is the second in a two-part series but it can be viewed on its own and will be useful to shelter leadership at all levels, volunteers, advocates and anyone else who struggles to save big dogs' lives.
Presenters: Kristen Hassen-Auerbach and Sheila Segurson DVM
lifesaving for at-risk dogs, large dogs, Maximize In-Shelter Welfare,Live Outcomes, Specialty programs for at-risk animals, Maximize physical and behavioral health, stress, evaluation, enrichment, Policies & Procedures,Animal & Population Management, webcast