Maddie's Candid Conversation with Geraldine D'Silva

Recorded On: 10/27/2022

Presenters: Mary Ippoliti-Smith and Geraldine D'Silva

Growing up in India, Geraldine D'Silva developed a deep understanding of equality and the human-animal bond.  From an early age, she’d care for stray dogs in her neighborhood, feeding them and taking them to a local shelter for further care.  Later, that compassion expanded using her degree in Sociology which took her to remote villages to study the caste system and women’s empowerment, and then volunteering with those experiencing homelessness.  An M.B.A. from the Edinburgh Business School gave her even greater skills, but as a foreigner both in Scotland and then in the U.S., finding meaningful work was a serious challenge.  Join us for an inspiring look at her journey across the globe and learn how her unique approach to adversity helped change the lives of animals and the people who love them.

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This presentation has been pre-approved for .5 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association.

keywords candid conversation, diversity, equity, inclusion, San Diego Humane Society, India, animal welfare, animal well-being, keeping pets and people together, community outreach, homeless pets and their people


Maddie's Candid Conversation with Geraldine D'Silva
Recorded 10/27/2022  |  30 minutes
Recorded 10/27/2022  |  30 minutes
Certificate - CAWA and NACA CE
0.50 CAWA CE, NACA CE credits  |  Certificate available
0.50 CAWA CE, NACA CE credits  |  Certificate available
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Recorded 10/27/2022
Recorded 10/27/2022 Continue the discussion with the guest speaker on this thread in Maddie’s Pet Forum