Maddie’s Insights: Examining the Relationship between BIPOC Communities and Their Companion Animals - On-demand
Recorded On: 10/12/2023
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Maddie's® Insights are monthly webcasts with practical tips based on current research to help pets and people.
Catherine Kisavi-Atatah PhD will share the findings of her publication, Examining the Relationship between BIPOC Communities and Their Companion Animals. This study explored the relationship between BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities with their companion animals, using Attachment Theory as a lens of analysis. Findings suggest that public and private policy decision-makers should develop and implement holistic, across-the-board, companion animal policies that are user-friendly to all.
Learning Objectives:
· Understand the complexities of the multifaceted aspects of the relationship between Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and their companion animals, including historical, cultural and socio-economic factors
· Identify the unique challenges and barriers that BIPOC communities encounter in accessing veterinary care, resources and support for their companion animals, and evaluate the implications for both the animals and communities
· Understand the significance of cultural competency and diversity in veterinary medicine and animal welfare; analyze how these factors influence the provision of care and support to BIPOC individuals and their communities
· Evaluate policy recommendations and practical insights presented in the paper to better support BIPOC communities in their relationship with companion animals, and consider the broader implications for public policies, animal welfare organizations, and community initiatives
Presenter: Catherine Kisavi-Atatah Ph.D., Professor, Health and Human Performance Department, Prairie View A&M University
This webinar has been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association. It has also been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval. Complete the quiz to earn continuing education credit for CAWA, NACA and RACE. RACE CE is valid until 9/18/2025.
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keywords Maddie's Insights, Catherine Kisavi-Atatah PhD, BIPOC communities and their pets, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities and their companion animals, challenges and barriers that BIPOC communities, cultural competency and diversity in veterinary medicine and animal welfare, resources and support for BIPOC communities and their pets,