Maddie's Insights - Strategies for Challenging Ableism in Companion Animal Welfare (on-demand)

Recorded On: 11/09/2023

Maddie's® Insights are monthly webcasts with practical tips based on current research to help pets and people.  

Many animal shelters and rescues unwittingly perpetuate ableism through their engagements with disabled animals, even when they are trying to help these animals. In this session, we will explore how animal shelters and rescues contribute to problematic representations of disability and engage in practices that harm these animals. We will explore strategies for challenging ableism and better serving disabled animals.

Learning Objectives:
By the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to

- Define ableism and the dis/ability system
- Recognize ableist representations of animals and people
- Identify and rework personal or organizational practices that support ableism to support better outcomes for disabled animals

Presenter: Katja M. Guenther, Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies, University of California, Riverside, and author of The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals

This webinar has been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by the National Animal Care & Control Association. It has also been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval. Complete the quiz to earn continuing education credit for CAWA, NACA and RACE.

Visit Maddie's Pet Forum to comment, follow a discussion or ask questions:

keywords  Maddie's Insights, Katja M. Guenther, animal well-being, animal welfare, scientific assessment of animal well-being, care for shelter animals, mental experiences of animals, animal behavior, disabled animals, animal sheltering, serving disabled animals, problematic representations of disability, animal care, behavior, training & enrichment, case management


Maddie's Insights: Strategies for Challenging Ableism in Companion Animal Welfare
Recorded 11/09/2023  |  59 minutes
Recorded 11/09/2023  |  59 minutes
Quiz for continuing education certificates
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  3/5 points to pass Answer the 5 questions after watching the recording. A passing score of 70% opens the certificate for you to print or download.
Certificate for RACE CE
1.00 RACE CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 RACE CE credit  |  Certificate available RACE CE
Certificate - CAWA and NACA CE
1.00 CAWA CE, NACA CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CAWA CE, NACA CE credit  |  Certificate available
Have questions or comments about this webcast?
Recorded 11/09/2023  |  60 minutes
Recorded 11/09/2023  |  60 minutes View resources and continue the discussion with the guest speaker(s) on this thread in Maddie’s Pet Forum