The Future is Four - Overview of the 4 Rights of Animal Sheltering Webinar
- All Users - Free!
The foundation of the Million Cat Challenge rested on Five Key Initiatives, refined and adapted to shelters of every size and type throughout North America, which together represented a holistic approach that addressed the “before, during and after” for any cat at risk of shelter entry. These initiatives were proven by over 3.5 million more cat lives saved by over 1500 Challenger Shelters.
Now, #ThanksToMaddie, we’re thinking bigger.
With the Maddie’s®️ Million Pet Challenge, the Five Key Initiatives of the Million Cat Challenge have expanded to include other species at risk in shelters and evolved into the Four Rights.
Within the Four Rights, every element works in concert to support one another: animals and people are treated as individuals, empowering shelter staff to make the best decisions for everyone; community safety net services are in place and flourishing; and humane care within the shelter is provided, with appropriate outcomes for the animals that do come in, allowing shelters to deliver the Right Care, in the Right Place, at the Right Time, and to the Right Outcome.
Join the co-founder of the Million Cat Challenge and one of the inspirations behind the Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge in imagining and creating a world in which every single shelter is able to provide every animal at risk with the Right Care in the Right Place at the Right Time to the Right Outcome.
After completing this class, view the in-depth, four-part webinar series.
As part of the Maddie's®️ Million Pet Challenge's Learniverse program, subject matter experts from the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program will discuss guiding principles that animal welfare professionals can use to make decisions, train their staff and engage the public.
Keywords: 4 Rights, Right Place, Right Time, Right Care, Right Outcome
PLEASE CONTACT: learniverse@sheltermedportal.com if you have any questions or concerns about this course.
This short, self-paced course has been approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA) continuing education credits by The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by National Animal Care and Control Association.
This course has been approved for 1 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. Upon completing the course and passing the quiz, upload your certificate to https://CEBoker.com. This is the broker used by the AAVSB to track your continuing education credits.
Learn more about Maddie's®️ Million Pet Challenge Learniverse. #ThankstoMaddie
You can also join the discussion about these concepts over on Maddie's Pet Forum in the 4 Rights Discussion Group.


We have a dedicated discussion group on Maddie's Pet Forum to discuss the 4 Rights of Animal Sheltering. Bring your questions, comments, thoughts, and suggestions, or just see what others are thinking about these ideas.

Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVM
Koret Shelter Medicine Program, UC Davis
Dr. Hurley is the founding director of the Koret Shelter Medicine Program and co-founder of the Million Cat Challenge, a shelter-based initiative to save the lives of one million more cats in five years. Over 1,500 shelters more than tripled that goal, between them saving over three million cats against their own baseline before joining the challenge. Hurley’s research interests include welfare of confined dogs and cats, humane and effective strategies to manage community cats, and infectious disease prevention. She will always love shelter work because it has the potential to improve the lives of so many animals and the people who work so hard to care for them.