Return to Field: Animal Shelters and a New Approach to Healthy, Unowned Cats

What can animal shelters do about healthy unowned cats in their community? One new concept increasingly gaining ground is that, as long as the cats are thriving, the most compassionate, lifesaving approach is to sterilize them, vaccinate them, ear-tip them and return them where they were found. This approach grew out of community-based trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs, which have been in use for decades. Today, some shelters are altering the cats themselves, while others transfer them to a spay/neuter clinic. 

Presented by Scott Trebatoski

intake, return to field, RTF, community cats, unowned cats, TNR, trap neuter return, admissions, intake, Proactively Reduce Intake, rehoming, Rehome Pets Without the Shelter System, Community-minded field services, Keep companion animals in their homes and neighborhoods, SNR for community cats, Million Cat Challenge, Animal & Population Management, Community Cat Management, Admissions & Intake, Policies & Procedures, Community Outreach, Humane Law Enforcement, Humane Law Enforcement & Laws, webcast

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