The Rez Clinic Manifesto: How to deliver high volume spay/neuter veterinary care on Native American reservations in a sustainable, impactful and culturally sensitive way
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Developed by the team at First Nations Veterinary, this course will teach you how to create and deliver high-volume spay/neuter veterinary care. The course is specifically geared toward clinic work on Native American reservations, but can be applied to any mobile or MASH-type setting. In this course we examine key decisions in service delivery, with an emphasis on ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance protocols and real world experience.
The First Nations Veterinary mobile unit delivers six clinics a year on multiple reservations. They provide spay/neuter surgery for cats and dogs as well as offering preventatives and addressing minor wellness issues. In their years of delivering clinics, they've honed an efficient process that minimizes stress for both pets and humans. In this course, you'll receive everything you need to deliver a clinic in a mobile or MASH-type setting, including protocols, contracts and inventory spreadsheet.
Note: This course has been submitted for approval for 3.0 hours of credit from the Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) program of the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). If you complete the course prior to approval, check back to take a 15-question quiz and receive a RACE-qualifying certificate.