Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care? You Might Be Surprised! - Fast Track for Spring 2023 Shelter Summit
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Spring 2023 Shelter Summit
Fast Track #2 - Are You Staying Within Your Capacity for Care? (You Might Be Surprised!)
Capacity for Care (C4C) is such a wonderful place to be, yet it can feel so out of reach. What is your shelter’s capacity for care, what is it based on, and are you staying within it?
Even just understanding what C4C is can feel overwhelming, much less getting there. Need a refresher or don’t know where to start? Answer — right here!
It all starts with knowing that it is possible to stay within your capacity for care at all organizations, regardless of how animals come to you. We’ll dive into what determines your capacity, how it impacts the work you do every day and the decisions you make. Discover how you can provide the Right Care in the Right Place for people and animals AND stay within your C4C. This is your chance to learn how to get out of crisis mode, decrease overwhelm, and make it possible for your team to maximize your resources, all while ensuring your shelter is able to have the greatest impact on the people and pets in your community.
This track is the foundation for all successful shelter operations and pairs well with every other offering at this summit. Not a shelter director or manager? No problem; we invite anyone in the animal shelter space to join us on this journey!
Track Coaches:
Lead Coach: Cindy Karsten, DVM, Director of Outreach at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Co-Coach: Ivy Ruiz, Outreach Specialist at the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Fast Track Live Meetings Schedule:
Thursdays (and on-demand after)
- March 30th, 9 AM Pac
- April 20th, 9 AM Pac
- May 4th, 9 AM Pac
- May 18th, 9 AM Pac
Optional Office Hours Schedule:
Thursdays (and some on-demand after)
- April 13th, 9 AM Pac
- April 27th, 9 AM Pac
- May 11th, 1 PM Pac - NOTE this is the only Office Hours NOT at 9 AM Pac
- May 25th, 9 AM Pac
Register for the Fast Track Zoom Meetings:
About Fast Tracks from Maddie's Million Pet Challenge Learniverse:
Ready to make change happen? Choose one or more of the five eight-week Fast Tracks and start doing—with support! Sprint from idea to implementation and ongoing improvement by connecting with coaches and fellow participants along the way.
Join a Fast Track to get guidance from your coach in four one-hour live Zoom meetings over the weeks of 3/27, 4/17, 5/1, and 5/15, and pop in for optional office hours during off-weeks.
Fast Track participation is open to everyone, no application required. Just click on the name of the Fast Track you are interested in below and you’ll get access to all of the meetings in that track.
Attendance at any of the meetings or office hours is optional to make it easy for you to attend what you can. Live meetings will be recorded and available on-demand shortly after each meeting ends.
Use the "Register" button below to get your own meeting log-in link for each meeting and to add the meetings to your calendar.
Information on CE (Continuing Education Credits)
Each 1/2 hour session of the Spring 2023 Shelter Summit has been approved for 0.5 hours of continuing education credits through Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA) and The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by National Animal Care and Control Association (NACA). Each session of this Summit when viewed on demand here on Maddie's University has been approved for 0.5 hours of continuing education credit until March 27th, 2025 in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval. Upon viewing each session and passing the session's short quiz, you can download your RACE CE certificate and upload it to https://CEBroker.com. This is the broker used by the AAVSB to track your continuing education credits.
Fast Track meeting live attendance and on-demand viewing have been approved for 1.0 hours of continuing education credits through Certified Animal Welfare Administrator (CAWA) and The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement and by National Animal Care and Control Association (NACA). RACE approval is pending for Fast Tracks but is anticipated to be available as 4.0 units for attendance of all 4 live meetings (links to claim CE will be shared with participants at the end of the series once approved by RACE). On-demand session viewing is through RACE after completion of a short quiz on each live meeting, valid through 4/4/2025.
PLEASE CONTACT: learniverse@sheltermedportal.com if you have any questions or concerns about this content.


List of live meeting and office hours dates/times and registration links for meeting series.

Kelly Bremken
Veterinary Social Worker Oregon Humane Society
Oregon Humane Society
Kelly Bremken is the Veterinary Social Worker with Oregon Humane Society. Kelly has a Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with a certification in Veterinary Social Work (VSW). This program trains MSSW students in the four areas of Veterinary Social Work. Those areas are Compassion Fatigue & Conflict Management, the Link Between Human & Animal Violence, Animal Assisted Interventions, and Animal-Related Grief & Bereavement.
At Oregon Humane Society, Kelly is on the forefront of utilizing social work practice to attend to the human needs that arise at the intersection of veterinary medicine & animal welfare, and social work practice. She serves as Oregon Humane Society’s first veterinary social worker and is paving the way in the field for greater workplace wellbeing and community partnership.

Cynthia Karsten, DVM
Outreach Veterinarian
Koret Shelter Medicine Program, UC Davis
Dr. Karsten became board certified in Shelter Medicine Practice in November, 2017. Her main areas of interest include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and veterinary students, working with shelter leaders on change management, and providing accessible, affordable veterinary care to everyone who seeks it.
Throughout her KSMP career, Dr. Karsten has helped to identify and implement best practice protocols and capacity for care models at shelters across the United States and Canada.
She also continues to work to understand her role and that of animal shelters in increasing awareness of social justice issues and implementing policies to bring about equity.

Ivy Ruiz
Outreach Specialist UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Ivy joined the UC Davis team as the new Outreach Specialist for the Koret Shelter Medicine Program in September 2022. Ivy has a long history in shelter care and medicine; she is a Registered Veterinary Technician who has worked in high-capacity shelters in California. She is excited to continue to serve the animals and the people by sharing her knowledge and experience gained over the years.
Ivy’s passion for animal and human welfare shines through her community engagement as a member of the Tulare County Animal Services Advisory Committee, the Communications Committee with the City of Visalia, and the SMART team, which addresses issues surrounding the homeless community.