Human Animal Support Services Curriculum
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The Human Animal Support Services model strives to keep pets and families together with the help of the entire community. This curriculum covers the most important concepts of the model, including lost pet reunification, pet support services, intake to placement, and creating a foster-facing medical clinic. The curriculum starts with a brief introduction to the Human Animal Support Services model and then dives into each element.
Upon completion of all the components in this package, email maddiesuniversity@maddiesfund.org to receive a certificate for completion of the Human Animal Support Services Curriculum.
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Introduction to the Human Animal Support Services model
This short course introduces the Human Animal Support Services model, which strives to keep pets and families together with the help of the entire community. The course prepares students for further learning on specific elements of the Human Animal Support Services model.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between American Pets Alive!, Human Animal Support Services and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.keywords: HASS, community, animal control, field officer
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Keep pets out of your shelter by reuniting them with their families. This course is designed for shelter staff and volunteers involved in pet reunification programming, including animal control officers.
Industry leaders now recognize pet reunification programming as at least equal in importance to adoption programming. Keeping pets out of your shelter has innumerable benefits to your organization, not least being the trust, goodwill (and donations!) you'll earn from your community. This course will help you build a robust pet reunification program with staff and/or volunteer resources.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between Human Animal Support Services, Michelson Found Animals, and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.
keywords: HASS, RTH, RTF, community cat, return to home, return to field, animal control, field officer
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Easily help pets find new homes without ever entering your shelter
Building a robust supported self-rehoming program will not only help the people and pets in your community, but will also result in huge cost savings for your organization by facilitating rehoming animals without them ever entering the shelter. Whether you wish to implement a new self-rehoming program or improve the one you have, this course will give you the information you need to make informed decisions about program structure and analyze the success of your program. Self-supported re-homing programs are easy to implement and greatly increase your organization's capacity to care for the pets who need you.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between Human Animal Support Services and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.keywords: HASS, surrender, managed intake, community, rehoming, rehome, find home, supported, self-rehoming, self-rehome, re-home
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Start or grow your Pet Support Services program to benefit your community and your shelter
Successful Pet Support Services programs help pets and their families stay together. They also benefit your shelter by reducing intake, lowering costs, building community support, and increasing fundraising. In this course, you will learn to start or scale your Pet Support Services program by listening to your community members, discovering the gaps in your current services, and collecting data about services rendered and intake diverted (and money saved). Pet Support Services programs are not hard to implement; you can start by retraining your current intake staff and giving your field officers the tools and training they need.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between American Pets Alive!, Human Animal Support Services and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.
keywords: resources, veterinary, Human Animal Support Services, community, retention, lost pets, field, officer
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Reduce length of stay and improve shelter health by implementing an intake to placement program
The goal of an intake-to-placement program is to decrease the length of stay of pets in the shelter, and even keep pets from coming to the shelter at all. Reduced intake means fewer animals housed in the shelter, which means less care time for staff, saving you money and allowing you to concentrate on the animals who do need your shelter care. Fewer animals in the shelter is also good for shelter health, not to mention the well being of all the individual animals who will be more humanely housed outside of the shelter. This course lays the foundation for starting an intake to placement program, with examples from shelters successfully implementing this program.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between American Pets Alive!, Human Animal Support Services and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.keywords: HASS, intake managed intake, operations, community, foster
Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Collaborate effectively and efficiently to transport pets and increase live outcomes
Historically, transport programs have largely been controlled by the receiving organization. The destination partner primarily selected animals they knew could easily be adopted out. They set the rules, and ended partnerships for what they deemed were infractions. Sending shelters, desperate to find live outcomes, scrambled to meet receiving shelters' demands.
Increasingly, however, partnerships between sending and receiving organizations are collaborative, designed to create true transformation at the sending shelter. Receiving shelters offer support and take a variety of pets. Sending shelters take a local-first approach, starting and expanding programs that engage their communities for sustainable change.
In this course both sending and receiving shelters will learn to collaborate effectively and efficiently to transport pets and increase live outcomes. This course was authored by Clare Callison, Director of National Operations for American Pets Alive!.
keywords: HASS, Human Animal Support, transportation, supply, demand
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Integrate volunteers into all programming to increase capacity for care
Volunteers are critical to the success of any shelter or rescue operation, especially in these times of staffing issues. Volunteers can fill many roles across your organization and each volunteer brings their own expertise and skills to the table. If you aren't integrating volunteers into every aspect of your programming, you are missing opportunities that will benefit your organization, your staff, your community and your animals. This course will help you successfully integrate volunteers into all your programs and measure their efforts.
keywords: Human Animal Support Services
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Create positive outcomes for free-roaming cats
This course is dedicated to creating positive outcomes for free-roaming cats. After establishing the principles guiding successful community cat programming, the course takes a deeper look at critical areas and offers plenty of resources to start or grow your community cat program. This course is authored by Monica Frenden-Tarant, Chief Innovation Officer: Feline Lifesaving at Cincinnati Animal CARE with The Joanie Bernard Foundation.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between Human Animal Support Services and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.
keywords: feline, cat, FIV, FeLV, working cat, barn cat, field service, animal control, return to field, RTF, TNR, SNR, return to home, RTH, HASS
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Transform your clinic to successfully support animals in foster care and their caregivers
It's now common knowledge in the animal welfare industry that shelter animals fare far better in homes than in shelter kennels. And foster-centered care is better for organizations and their staff as well! To support organizations who strive to place the majority of their animals in foster homes, medical clinics need to transition from their traditional internal role to an external one. This course lays the groundwork for that transformation. This course is authored by Jordana Moerbe, former Maddie's Medical Program Director at American Pets Alive!.
This course is the result of a collaboration between between Human Animal Support Services and the many shelter and rescue staff across the country and internationally who have volunteered their time to innovate new programs through the Human Animal Support Services working groups.
keywords: vet, vet tech, veterinarian, veterinary technician, medical, virtual care, capacity for care, HASS
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Create successful partnerships to better help animals and the people who love them
When animal services agencies connect with organizations and businesses in their communities, they are better able to support people and pets where they live. In particular, partnerships between animal services and human services agencies offer a more holistic approach to care. Successful partner organizations range from child welfare agencies and domestic violence support services to food pantries and libraries. This course will guide you through planning for and piloting a partnership with an organization or business in your community.
Keywords: Human Animal Support Services